Career Options for Science Majors

Students of science go on to specialize in subjects but not before they acquire some core knowledge that is common across all fields. This includes the scientific method, statistics, and critical thinking.

You can major in science degrees like chemistry, physics, and biology or explore newer degrees like environmental science, aviation science, biotechnology, veterinary science, neuroscience and forensic science.

Research and development is a popular career choice irrespective of the science major that you’ve chosen. Geology majors can become geologists or research scientists.

Career Options For Science Majors
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Options for majors in chemistry include job roles like a chemist and lab technician. Those who have studied biology can go for jobs such as biotechnologist, microbiologist or a wildlife biologist.

Many universities offer courses in environmental science. Job opportunities that need your know-how in this area include climate change analyst, soil and water conservationist, geographer, geoscientist and hydrologist.

You can also consider working as a scientist or a teacher or a writer/author in the field of specialization that you’ve chosen.


Here are other majors and the jobs that you can consider 

Atmospheric Science: Climate or atmospheric researcher, pollution control consultant
Bacteriology: Bacteriologist, biochemist
Forensic science: Forensic scientist, consultant
Genetics: Genetic engineer, geneticist
Neuroscience: Neurologist, neuroscientist
Psychology: Counselor, employee relations specialist
Biometrics: Security consultants, biometric system designers

Salaries for Science Majors

Many of the jobs for science majors pay well. Well-paid jobs in the science field include a physicist, statistician, biotechnologist, biochemist, geologist, chemist, molecular biologist and food scientist.

The job outlook for these degrees is also bright – graduate studies in pharmacy, physics, physical chemistry, and physician assistant studies.


Industries for Science Majors

Companies that you could consider include those in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry and leading research organizations. In the biotech and pharma space, you have Biogen, GlaxoSmithKline, Hologic, Cortex Pharma, Regeneron, and Forest Laboratories.

Geology majors could look toward working in engineering, environmental, and legal firms. Forensic science majors can get jobs with the government, and medical and diagnostic laboratories.



If you are a science major or planning to major in science, it will help to identify the industries and job roles that fit your interests and qualifications. This could translate to a rewarding career.

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