6 Effective Ways to Manage Stress While Remote Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a major source of worry and anxiety for students. Students the world over are grappling with uncertainty while trying to find ways to cope with various challenges that remote learning presents. Everyday distractions at home are not only testing students’ patience but are also adding to their stress. 

If you are a student and are looking for ways to manage stress, here are a few ideas that could help: 

  1. Be organized and stay focused: While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, there are a few basic things you can do to be more organized and stay focused. Charting a practical timetable, organizing and decluttering your study space, and setting realistic deadlines for your study tasks can help you save time and avoid procrastination. It also helps to identify important tasks and prioritize them.  
  1. Take sufficient screen-time breaks: Step away from any type of digital screen for at least 15 minutes every hour. Stretch your arms and legs and go for short walks if possible. If you can’t step away from your screen, at least move your eyes away from the screen for a few minutes and roll them in a circular motion. 
  1. Cut back on media consumption: Turn off social media notifications on your phone, and use social media sparingly. Try to cut back on watching negative news that can be detrimental to your mental health. Use tracking apps to assess if you’re spending too much time online, and also try to refrain from watching too much TV. 
  1. Reach out to friends and family: While remote learning can prove to be stressful, it helps to know that you’re not alone. Take some time out of your day and reach out to friends, family, or other students who are sailing in the same boat. Share your experiences, concerns, doubts, and discuss ways to overcome common challenges. Join support groups online or seek help from professional counselors if necessary. 
  1. Practice patience: This might seem like an annoying piece of advice, but it’s a useful one nevertheless. Remind yourself from time-to-time that not everything is in your control. Learn to let go of what you can’t control and focus instead on what you can change. Take time to pause, reflect, and learn from your mistakes. 
  1. Put self-care above everything else: Try to avoid exhaustion by taking good care of yourself. Eat well, get enough sleep, exercise at least 3-5 days a week, stay hydrated, and dedicate some time to do something—painting, dancing, gardening, or anything else you like. Also, remind yourself to take things easy in order to avoid burnout. 

Given the circumstances, it’s normal to feel anxious and worried. However, making small but necessary changes will help you, in time, to get comfortable with remote learning. Do share your other coping strategies with us in the comments below.

10 thoughts on “6 Effective Ways to Manage Stress While Remote Learning

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