An Overview of Information Science Resources

Information Systems (IS) is often viewed in conflation and in association with other more popular branches of technology and academics. Computer science, Database Management, and  Information Science are only some of them. Many areas of concern and academic modules overlap in these fields and there exist similarities between the courses. It is important to note that despite these similarities, each field has its own unique identity.

According to Technopedia, Information System refers to 

.. a collection of multiple pieces of equipment involved in the dissemination of information. Hardware, software, computer system connections and information, information system users, and the system’s housing are all part of an IS”

The study of these multiple pieces of equipment and their interaction with each other will form the foundations of Information Systems in the academic realm. Studying Information Systems can open avenues to work with Systems Auditing, Systems Management, and even the top executive positions in leading technological companies and pioneering start-ups.

Information Systems (IS) is made available through various sources and one can opt to be a full time student of the field or boost one’s divergent training with complimenting material from IS.  Below is a comprehensive guide of resources that will come in handy on your IS journey.


Fundamentals of Information Systems is carefully crafted by Ralph Stair and George Reynolds and has a current 9th edition. Originally published in 2001, the book has been most recently updated and re-published in 2018. The many editions are testament to the fact that the book keeps up with phenomenal and disruptive changes that are part of the pedagogy and the industry. In addition to providing comprehensive and clear definitions, examples, and illustrative elucidations of the concepts in IS, the book also covers important topics on ethics in IS, which is very important to systems and human processes that manage huge amount of data. 

This Book is Overdue! By Marilyn Johnson is a fun, non-academic book about the lives and processes of librarians and cybrarians. While not being technically heavy or directly related to IS, this fun read can be an elementary introduction for you (or your child) into the world of digital and manual databases.


TechRepublic is a great place to learn all things technology-related. It is maintained by editors and administrators who are highly qualified and updated in their respective fields.

ComputerWorld provides a space for more focused readings about devices- software, hardware, android, comparative studies on systems. You could begin by following the most followed and useful authors there. 


Podcasts have become a favourite way of accessing information, especially in a highly mobile and fast-paced world. The list of tech-based podcasts are long but SearchCIO is a great space for keeping pace with changing trends of IT strategies and news about leadership and IT market.

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